Losing your vision/going blind is one of the scariest things one might encounter. It’s been said that if one had a choice of losing a limb versus going blind, they’d choose to lose a limb. Our Intensive Weekend Retreat (IWR) is geared to those who have been recently diagnosed with vision loss and their spouse/family member/caregiver who are seeking how to deal with this diagnosis and are looking for encouragement and resources for their next steps.
Our retreat will be a small group that will come together in a cozy, relaxing atmosphere, to share, connect, grieve, and learn some basic adaptations for independent living as well as recommendations from professionals in the field of where to further seek assistance and training.
The cost is $150 for two people for the entire weekend and includes meals, room and board and instructional materials/tools.
Date: June 10-12, 2022
Location: Tecumseh, OK
If you and your spouse/caregiver are interested, please complete the form and we will send you an application packet.